Search Marketing
We know Search Engine Optimization in Scandinavia, read about it here.

How to optimize for Google’s featured snippets a.k.a. position zero
Two terms that more and more frequently have been popping up on people’s radar are “featured snippet” and “position zero”, which are actually one and the same. In today’s article we will give you short explanations of what a featured snippet is; How much organic traffic you can expect from a featured snippet; As well ...

SEO is not Soft Science
A very common misconception that drives me nuts is the notion of Guruness and Ninja-qualities in SEO. Dealing with an algorithm is not meditation, it’s not throwing shurikens and it’s not even slightly wizard-related. No wands or staves are ever used. I honestly didn’t learn much at the science engineering program I attended back in ...

IDN – Internationalized domain names and SEO
If you’ve ever done SEO outside the English speaking part of the world you’ve ran into Internationalized Domain Names for sure. It might not be 100% clear how the get handled by Google though so I thought I’d sort things out for you. IDN:s didn’t work out very good in the beginning when they were ...

Why the Swedish SEO is so competitive
Sweden is a small country with about nine million swedes. When comparing SEO competitiveness with the US we’ve found that the US market has 7-9 times tougher competitors. However, compared to the more than 30 times bigger market, Sweden is a lot more competitive. Why did Swedish SEO become such a tough industry? What is ...

Digital Marketing – What Actually Works?
It’s time to talk about online marketing. Many people still seem to believe that it’s possible to create digital marketing by taking a print ad and digitalising it. If your primary goal is to spend a lot of money, this might be the model for you, but if you’re interested in getting the maximum effect ...

5 SEO Actions for Those Who Think They Are Done with Optimization
Do you find it difficult to identify areas where you can improve your site? Does it feel like you have done all that is possible when it comes to search engine optimization? Here are five points that almost everyone needs to work on, regardless of how far you have come. Speed Up Your Site We ...

Content Marketing – Pros and Cons
Content Marketing has become incredibly popular. People talk about content marketing as the new way to do search engine optimization, as the best way to build brand recognition, and so on. This should be treated with caution. Content Marketing is not bad at all, there are good reasons to look at your content strategy and ...