SEO Blog

5 SEO Actions for Those Who Think They Are Done with Optimization
Do you find it difficult to identify areas where you can improve your site? Does it feel like you have done all that is possible when it comes to search engine optimization? Here are five points that almost everyone needs to work on, regardless of how far you have come. Speed Up Your Site We ...

31 Tips That Will Improve Your Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization is slow work. Getting to the top with a more difficult keyword can take a very long time. Once you’ve done that, however, it is most certainly very profitable. A way to constantly move forward is to do something every day; to keep on going. Accordingly, we’ve put together a list of ...

Content Marketing – Pros and Cons
Content Marketing has become incredibly popular. People talk about content marketing as the new way to do search engine optimization, as the best way to build brand recognition, and so on. This should be treated with caution. Content Marketing is not bad at all, there are good reasons to look at your content strategy and ...

Anders Karlsson’s Valuable Insights on Drop Shipping
One of the options you will face as a new e-retailer is whether you should use drop shipping or not. Drop shipping is a solution where your suppliers ship directly to your customers. It can be somewhat tricky to establish. We have been able to get an interview with Anders ‘AndersIvar’ Karlsson, who is one ...

SEO in Sweden
Even though we have done SEO internationally in almost a decade there has always been a special place in our hearts for Sweden. This is where we started and this is where we have the majority of our clients today (it hasn’t always been like that). Sweden differs from other markets when it comes to ...

Why we started with 6 hour work days
The 40 hour work week (that’s standard here in Sweden, I’m aware it differs a bit) can’t be set in stone. We started with 8 hour days in the beginning of the last century, are we absolutely sure it’s the very best? We at Brath decided we wanted to try something else, we decided to ...